Restoring Lives
Renewing Hope
A group of people,
fighting for the child’s right to a family
ReVive works with children and teenagers in the North East of Brazil who are survivors of abuse, trafficking or exploitation. We aim to free them from their situation; restoring their lives and renewing their hope for a better future.
ReVive International UK, ReVive International USA and the Brazilian NGO Reaviva are three independent organisations, founded in the Christian faith, each administrated and organised by their own board of trustees, working together to stop trafficking, abuse and to help the survivors.
Our Cause
Brazil’s vast social inequality renders millions of children below, or close to, the poverty line. Many are vulnerable to physical or sexual abuse and exploitation – sometimes from their own families. Due to this abuse, some flee to the streets where they become even more vulnerable to exploitation, others are trapped in their abusive families until they are found and rescued.
A government study amongst some of the girls forced into prostitution found that the average age of their first sexual encounter was just 10 years old.
When a child or teenager needs to be brought into care they are placed in one of the thousands of care-homes in Brazil. The conditions of some of these homes are precarious, leaving the children exposed to further abuse and the denial of their right to a loving family and participation in the local community.
ReVive works in a number of areas to help change this scenario; prevent young people being brought into care, provide high quality care for those currently in children’s homes, transition to family-based methods of care (e.g. fostering) and strive to find a forever family for every young person who needs one either through adoption or reintegration back into their biological family.
Areas of Impact
The situations of the people we work with are complex. There is no simple solution that works for improving all lives due to the different needs. We work in a number of areas to best help vulnerable people today, and to build more stable families for the future.