‘Grand Opening’ of the New ReVive Home

Vijay, the British Ambassador, revealing the plaque…

On July 31st ReVive officially opened our new safe house – this will be a home for up to 12 boys and girls between the ages of 0 and 6 years old. 

It was a lovely evening with lots of friends and supporters present along with Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Brazil, Vijay, the British Consul in Recife, Graham, and the Vice Ambassador, Liz. There were also representatives of the three branches of local government and a few reporters.

The girls had arranged a ballet presentation for the event which received a standing ovation. Vijay then “cut” the ribbons and revealed the plaque, which dedicates the house to Kelsey Moore, a friend of ReVive’s from the US who sadly passed away after battling cancer – she is the kind of Mother we wish for every child who passes through ReVive. 

Before the specially made cake was cut, Andy and Vijay both made speeches and proposed a few toasts. Andy used the moment to emphasis ReVive’s work in adoption and long term vision of transitioning to foster care by saying:

“Tonight we’re opening this house because the city needs it – it needs more spaces to care for babies and young children – but the children who will live here do not need a beautiful house like this one – their greatest need is a family who will love and support them.”

The ceremony ended in a prayer of blessing over the house and the work.

There is still a lot to do before the house really “opens” to children – furniture needs to be bought and staff need to be hired and trained etc… All of this will happen over the next few weeks and months and requires more financial support – do get in touch if you can support ReVive’s work to open this house either by a regular gift or a one off donation to cover something from the house warming list (check out the list in a previous post). 

Check out some photos from the event below: 

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