Leadership transition at ReVive Brazil

After years of service in Olinda it is to pass the baton

The time has come. After nearly a decade leading the work at ReVive, the directors Rose and Andy Roberts gathered part of the staff (in person and via zoom) to announce the changes to the leadership of ReVive, which has been entitled “ReVive’s 4th season. The next months will be quite intense. The transition meetings have already started and the final details are on their way. The team is prepared even though it is normal to feel “butterflies” sometimes due to the huge responsibility this team is taking over because that is the assurance they are not self-sufficient and that makes them depend more on God.

The New Leadership

Prayer time at the presentation of the new leadership

ReVive will continue focusing on operating with local leadership, fully prepared and experienced to carry on what’s been started by the Roberts in the past. In the face of this expansion and development, the leadership will be composed by a multidisciplinary team.

Elise, ex coordinator, will now be the executive director together with Claudemir. Graça will assume the role of new coordinator. Our psychologist Quezia and Bento the development facilitator will be complete the leadership team.

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